Diagnostic Testing: SAT versus ACT
Students often wonder which test is better for them to take. We offer a 3-hour diagnostic test that uses actual SAT & ACT questions to determine which test is better for each student. The test results will pinpoint the student’s strengths and weaknesses, which we utilize in customizing their plan of study.
Plan of Study
We customize our program for maximum score increase, using only official SAT & ACT materials. We are available to meet in person and virtually. We offer one-on-one hour-long sessions or meet in a small group. Students are assigned homework weekly and are invited to attend regularly scheduled mock tests before the big day. The curriculum is customized to accommodate the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style, focusing on the most relevant and most tested concepts and the foundation of those concepts.
Mock Testing: Preparing for the Big Day
When training is nearly complete and the test date approaches, students gather at our center to take a real test given under actual testing conditions, administered by an experienced proctor. The test results are discussed in subsequent sessions.
Prepare With Our Real SAT & ACT Materials & Resources
We utilize real SAT and ACT materials for homework and mock exams.
Create Your Own Class
We will work with you and a group of your friends to create a class that fits your needs.
For more information, call (561) 503-1966