


Get the SAT/ACT score you deserve!

Experienced tutors train students in actual testing conditions.

  • benjamin
  • dreyfoos
  • Oxbrudge
  • jupiterhighschool
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Benjamin Student

“ I am so thankful for your tutoring and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get SAT’s over with fast and get a good score the first time around.  Most kids aren’t “one and done”, but I was.  All the tips and strategies and mock tests really worked. ”

Dreyfoos Parent

“ Thank you so much for helping my son pass his APUSH class.    He had never passed a single test until he started tutoring; now he’s passing them all.  Hoping for a 4 on the actual test.  Thank you, Kathryn. ”

Oxbridge Student

“ Working with Carole has been the best decision of my college process.  As my parents brought home book after book of ACT AND SAT (yeah, both!) I was getting crazy worried and crazy stressed.  Then a friend of my dad’s told us about you and that changed everything for me.  Seriously I hope people read this and send their kids to you. ”

Jupiter HS Student

“After three months with you guys, I took my last ACT in February and blew it away.  Got a 33.  Decided not to try for a 34.  I’m done but I’ll miss all of you.  You are a fun bunch of tutors.”

Cardinal Newman Parent

“ My son got extended time for ACT and SAT thanks to Worth!  I hadn’t known that such an accommodation even existed let alone apply for it.  What a difference.  Reading score went up the most from 21 to 33 and that’s the honest truth.  Now I know why half of his school goes to you for tutoring.  Thank you so much.  ”